Milford Haven, The Isles of Scilly to Falmouth
Sporting a classic Musto jacket circa. 1990, Gareth joined us in Worcester for the road trip to Moana in Milford Marina. Little did he know he was in for an epic baptism of fire in the unyielding Bristol Channel, which was funneling the tail end of a Force 8, the North Atlantic swell and a ripping tide into a depth of less than 100m. Welcome aboard!! The 16 hours to the Isles of Scilly, after a pre dawn start in Dale, added a whole new level to the 'Competent Crew' course, as he stoically battled through the sea-sickness with a grin, to make landfall with an epic dive to hug the sand dunes in Great Bay, St. Martins. We'll never forget snorkeling in the kelp forests off Gugh, the high speed 'SUP' at 20 knots behind the RIB, blowing the Gig rowers away on the ERG at the Tresco fete, smuggler spotting at night off Old Grimsby and, of course, that great sense of humour and a timeless Musto look.